Friday, September 27, 2013

Mysterious Island

A serial from the 50's-60's!
If you enjoy the old serials from the 40's, you'll like this one. I had no idea that the studios were making serials in what appears to be the early 60's, but apparently they were! The acting is typical of the genre, as are the props (spray-painted silver plywood ray guns), costumes and sets, but this was a lot of fun to watch. The story is very loosely based on Jules Verne's "Mysterious Island", but it has some unique additions (aliens with ray guns and very embarrassed-looking volcano people)! I loved watching the alien lady running around on the island in her high heels! It has thrills and spills galore, and the cliffhangers make you want to see the next episode. So, if you're looking for great special effects and spectacular sets, this isn't for you. But if you enjoy watching what kids in the 50's and 60's watched at the Saturday matinees along with the feature film, this is for you! I loved it.

Devil Girl from Mars on Gilligan's Island?
Well, almost, but the female character is from Mercury, and the island is somewhere in Simi Valley. A 1951 Columbia serial, "Mysterious Island" is in 15 chapters, directed by Spencer Bennet and starring Richard Crane, best known as television's "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger." While the titles claim it is based on Jules Verne's "L'

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