Saturday, September 28, 2013

Occupy Unmasked

Informative and Inconsistant
I have a lot of respect for Andrew Breitbart and he was certainly a brilliant guy, yet this film doesn't truly represent the great insights that he had. This documentary does a decent job of showing the roots of the Occupy Wall Street movement, though it wasn't hard to see the hypocrisy and contrived nature that these demonstrations were displaying. After all, it's pretty silly to protest in front of big corporations when you're wearing designer clothes, texting on an iPhone, and storing your money in the very banks you claim are corrupt. The film certainly exposes the ignorance and chaos that ensued from these disorganized campouts.

The problem is that it feels too repetitive and low on information to fill the time limit. If this had been a 30 minute special then it would have been captivating, yet after an hour you can only watch so much footage of the same thing happening before you begin to tune out. I had to struggle to pay attention and keep myself invested in what...

You thought you knew something
Just when you thought you knew something, something so seemingly obvious you didn't need to question. Well if you want to know what you don't know about the Occupy "Movement" you should check this movie out.

Not for Immature Audiences: Too much TRUTH
To those who have drunk the Leftist kool-aid and denounce this well-done exposé as slander; all I can say is, in the words of Jack Nicholson... "You can't handle the truth!"

In the 60's I participated in the "Sit-Ins" and various protest marches until I woke-up one day to realize who the people were pulling the strings behind these "spontaneous popular protests". These puppet-masters were Marxist-Communists who knew how to manipulate people to their own ends which were not at all in sync with America's best interest, much less my own.
There's really nothing new under the sun, and today's Communist agitators are no different. First they infiltrate every key institution of a Country; Educational, Governmental, Legal, etc., and then they set about to undermine and sabotage it from within. Then, when their crooked policies, laws, and spending practices bring chaos and suffering upon the masses, they turn around and blame it on traditional values, constitutional...

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