Monday, September 30, 2013

The Tunnel

Good but not great - original Format
Though The Tunnel never really broke out and horrified me with its secrets, it did make me jump more than once. The lightning strikes of action were very well timed. I also liked the half-documentary / half-found-footage style. It added a lot to the characters and their relationships. Many other horror films kill off tons of people and leave you with a so what feeling. This time you really sympathized with the characters on how they felt about each other, and the aftermath. The Tunnel leaves open many questions as most horror does and while I feel a little frustrated by that, not nearly as much as other horror films. It gives you just enough to scare you beyond the film.

A solid independent, low-budget outing. Not a must-see, but you can do far worse in the horror genre.

Larry Nocella
author, Loser's Memorial (available on Amazon)

Not prolific, but definitely Entertaining
I rented this movie and enjoyed it quite a bit. It was an entertaining movie. It wasn't the best scary movie I'd ever seen, but I liked the plot line and the style of storytelling.

Not too bad but could have been better
The movie had its moments but what I didn't like was that you already knew early in the movie who was going to survive and who wouldn't. It would have been better if they gave better views of the 'creature(s)' and more background on how it originated.

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