Monday, September 30, 2013

You Can Dance - Waltz

Too Slow Paced
I bought several of Vicki Regon's tapes. She seems to be a very fun teacher and very good dancer. But the instructions are too slow-paced. There are a lot of repeats which are not necessary for DVDs and video tapes. With only 4 or 5 steps taught in each tape, if you are a beginner, I doubt "you can dance" comfortbly on the floor after you've learned from those tapes. In terms of steps per dollar, you can find much better deals on market than this series.

It's a must for starters
Easy to learn the first steps and to follow the instructions.

The producers should make other dvd-s for more advanced steps.

Dancing lubricant ... and fun, too!
Finally got kid #4 into college but have forgotten all those high school/college dance lessons? Same here and all left feet. To keep embarrassment to a minimum and get coordinated together, we tried some DVDs from Netflix and found time with Vicki to be the most productive and fun. We started with Foxtrot, as it is similar to walking - we remember how to do that! It allowed us to dance a few at the next dance and even made us look great at lessons, lucky the first dance they taught was ....foxtrot, with only a new step or two added (but left out the underarm turn Vicki showed us). Well, it did take a week of after work nights to get up to speed.

So when we tried the waltz, we were so used to being coordinated and to Vicki's teaching style, I do believe we picked up the essence in a single weekend night ... and still have a week or so until the next dance class!

I'm getting the whole set to have in case we forget something, but can't say which are important to get...

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