Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Winning Favor

Sports film with great family values
Looking for a sports film with great family values? Moms (especially of basketball fans) - this is a fun and heartwarming movie!

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Monday, October 14, 2013

The Girl of the Golden West

Nelson Eddy's lush baritone as delightful as ever!
I was pleasantly surprised when I first saw this movie- somewhere I'd gotten the impression that it wasn't going to be as enjoyable as other MacEddy movies, which just wasn't so. Nelson's voice is as luscious as ever and he is just as debonair and romantic in his portrayal of the swashbuckling Ramerez. Jeanette's character is less coquettish and more open and trusting than her usual which was a nice change. Ramerez, stolen from his own family as a baby, becomes the infamous leader of a group of mexican bandits (his own more trusting instincts becoming stifled when his adoptive father is shot while offering help to white settlers.) The plot develops delightedly as Ramerez falls for Mary, who owns the local saloon and is being courted by the town's sheriff, who in turn is trying to track down Ramerez (echoes of Rose Marie but with a twist.) Girl of the Golden West may not have produced any musical hits but Jeanette and Nelson's numbers are still entrancing, especially Jeanette's version...

This was the fifth time around for this story. Originally, it was a play by David Belasco in 1905; it was made as three silents as well as an opera. In this version, Eddy and MacDonald were at the height of their popularity: their finest effort - MAYTIME - was filmed the year prior. The screenplay isn't exactly superlative and the direction drags a bit, but fans of the great singing duo should still find themselves semi-enthralled. Jeanette owns a rough gambling saloon and Nelson is a Zorro-like character - but on the wrong side of the law. They fall in love, naturally. The best number in the film is the elaborate MARIACHI number. Buddy Ebsen, who plays Alabama, is in fine form and gives the movie some much-needed comedic moments. Monty Wooley can be seen briefly as the Governor. Melodies include Liszt's beautiful LIEBESTRAUM, THE WIND IN THE TREES, SUN-UP TO SUNDOWN & AVE MARIE....What a deux mixture!! Oddly enough, Ray Bolger was originally singing and dancing in this...

Golden Girl, a Golden Time
Two hours of this fast-moving 1938 saga of Old California West is a little long. Color would have helped black and white long shots... so often mottled like ink on a blotter; a forgiven price we sometimes have to pay for these wonderful old movie gems.

The story features Poker Saloon owner Mary (Jeanette MacDonald) who talks like a hillbilly, walks like a cow but sings like an angel. The irony is palpable with classics like "Liebestraum" (Is Love a Dream?) and "Ave Maria" (Gounod's).

Our swashbuckler leading man Ramerez (Nelson Eddy) leads a pack of South-of-the-Border desperados to steal gold from stagecoaches and have fun in the process. As a phony Mexican bandito, Ramerez follows the Robin Hood tradition of taking from the rich to give to the Monterey mission. His bold sombrero covers his golden hair (but not his golden heart) and his mask exposes only his dark eyes, vivid without the distraction of a lipsticked mouth; a method apparently acceptable to actors of the`30s. To...

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Jonah and the Whale, Told by Jason Robards

Not for young kids
I watched this with my 2 1/2 year old to have a sunday appropriate activity after church. The drawings of God were very scary to him and we stopped after only a few minutes. I didn't enjoy watching it, so I can't imagine a kid of any age would.

Jonah And The Whale
My granddaughter love it, she is five years old. She watch the whole movie until it was finish. She did not move. The voice was great the story was told at a good pace. My grand daughter was able to tell me the whole story she did not miss a beat.

jonah and the whale
Got this book for my son, great book, easy to read. He reads a little every day, at 6yrs old, this was the best starter book for his new kindle fire.

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Solid movie
I was drawn to this film as I am a fan of Kelly Hu's and Russell Wong and found a very pleasant surprise in the talents of Sung Kang . I was not familiar with the works of Sung Kang even though he had been in several movies that I had seen. I will be looking for him in the future. This is a gritty caricature study made on a small budget by a very talented writer director Chris Chan Lee who got fine performances from the entire cast. I look forward to the future works of both Sung Kang and Chris Chan Lee.

Highly recommended
It is a stylish movie. I enjoyed this movie a lot because I am a big fan of Sung Kang's, the main character in this movie. You will enjoy the short film called 9:30 came as a bonus feature of this DVD.

I was expecting this movie to be kind of fast-paced but shallow, since most of the actors in it are known more for action films. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Undoing is a much more sophisticated film, character-driven and emotional, with really strong acting performances and unique visual style. The plot is interesting, although not particularly new or innovative; in fact, the story is very much a throwback to classic noir films. But its enough to keep you compelled and engaged to see the story unfold. I really enjoyed this film.

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Thumbelina, Told by Kelly McGillis with Music by Mark Isham

Another classic . . .
Grandchildren beside me, we follow the adventures of this very tiny magical being. A loving gift to a mother who desperately wishes for a child. Enter the enchanted world of fairy tales with Kelly McGillis as narrator. Once again , art and music only add to the ambience! Take the time to share with children, grandchildren or just the young at heart . . .

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Black Sunday

Beautiful, Brilliant Bava
Italian director Mario Bava exploded onto the horror scene with the wonderful black and white film "Black Sunday," also known as "The Mask of Satan" (a title I prefer because it does such a better job describing the movie). This picture borrows heavily from a Nikolai Gogol short story called "The Vij," and while I am not familiar with the story, the movie succeeds fantastically at conveying a bleak atmosphere of horror. "The Mask of Satan" was Bava's official directorial debut, giving viewers a chance to see the genius that was to come from this excellent filmmaker. Bava didn't merely direct films, however. He also worked on all aspects of movie making during his long career. The director even helped his son cut his teeth in the business immediately before his death in 1980. Fans will miss Bava terribly after viewing just a few of his films, as he was one of those rare Italian horror directors who could truly deliver the goods.


This deluxe DVD is a must for any serious collector
Black Sunday is an engrossing, well-crafted, and suprisingly beautiful horror film. This DVD is testament to that fact and a sharp back-handed slap at those who automatically dismiss genre movies as trash. The respect Black Sunday and director Mario Bava are given is long overdue.

I won't bore you with tedious plot summarys. All I will tell you is that if you haven't seen Black Sunday, you must, and that if you have seen it, you must see it again in this presentation (because you've been missing plenty both in content and quality).

Presented in its origanal 1:66:1 theatrical aspect ratio, viewers for the first time can see this classic in ALL its macabre glory. The image quality is absolutely astounding when one compares it to the VHS editions floating around. The audio is also presented in pristine condition gaurenteed to sound excellent in any stereo thanks to the various formats.

All this makes one wonder exactly how much time went into this? If Video...

Best-ever transfer (but....)
Actually, my rating for this DVD version of "Black Sunday" would be 5 stars for the video transfer, 5 stars for Bava's cinematography (seen here like never before), 2 stars for the audio transfer, and 3 stars for the overall quality of the film itself. Bava was not a great director, and didn't like to be called a "cinematographer," but this film really is a painting in motion: every scene is a paradigm of Gothicism -- the cinematic equivalent of Gustave Dore. Like other

reviewers, I was floored by the print used for this disc: it looks, almost literally, like it was shot yesterday, and it's almost impossible to believe the film is almost 40 years old. If there are other films from this era that look this pristine, I haven't seen them. My only quarrel with the disc has to do with the dubbing. In all honesty, I feel this film sports one of the worst American dubbing jobs ever performed on a film, and the big question (which neither Tim Lucas nor...

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Finn McCoul, Told by Catherine O'Hara with Music by Boys of the Lough

Finn McCoul -Irish legends
This is a rare and hard to find story...and it is told with an authentic Irish accent, an excellent tale. The best version we have found and in our opinion, the true story of Finn himself. Great music too!

Very Enjoyable Story
My two little ones loved this story and asked for more like it. It is nice to see something classic and simple that is enjoyable for all ages of children. Please bring more like it!

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