Monday, October 14, 2013

Jonah and the Whale, Told by Jason Robards

Not for young kids
I watched this with my 2 1/2 year old to have a sunday appropriate activity after church. The drawings of God were very scary to him and we stopped after only a few minutes. I didn't enjoy watching it, so I can't imagine a kid of any age would.

Jonah And The Whale
My granddaughter love it, she is five years old. She watch the whole movie until it was finish. She did not move. The voice was great the story was told at a good pace. My grand daughter was able to tell me the whole story she did not miss a beat.

jonah and the whale
Got this book for my son, great book, easy to read. He reads a little every day, at 6yrs old, this was the best starter book for his new kindle fire.

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