Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Munger Road

I would have rated higher but...
This was a great suspenseful movie. I love horror, hate gratuitous gore. Had me on the edge of my seat. I would have given four, maybe five stars EXCEPT...

SPOILER ALERT: the ending - to be continued? Really? This isn't a weekly made for TV movie, so that was a total rip-off. SO you basically are watching a movie with a story you may never know the ending to. That was a very cheap shot.

Decent Movie ... With a Crap Ending ... Here's the A-Z!

I mean, sure, we've all fallen prey to a great horror/murder premise that leads us in to watch it with either a good storyline, a good trailer or even just some well put together cover art re: DVD or poster ... but ending anything on TO BE CONTINUED is b/s of the highest order, sorry!

OK, as you can read either a) "it was so realistic, so wonderful," or b) "it was bad, so bad" in the 22 other reviews listed here before me, let me bring you up to speed quickly with an A-Z ... a local fair is setting up for the weekend and at the same time a convicted child killer breaks out of prison (we never see his photo on the fax though) and a group of 4 teens journey out to Munger Road, the scene of some spooky goings-on over the years.

The fair is a waste of plot time, the escaped convict too (as he proves to have been already killed in a hit and run at 11pm the same night he escaped), and so the only two stories are a) the Sheriff and his...

Good All Fashion Fun
Director Nick Smith has done an excellent Job with his first Movie " Munger Road". It reminds me of an Alfred Hitchcock thriller. Cast is great and Bruce Davidson does a fantastic Job as the Town Sheriff. I can wait to see more from Smith

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