Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lost Broadcasts

The Move
If you were into 60's psychedelia and followed the British Invasion with a passion, The Move was the one to listen to. They were Beatle influenced as heck, with strings and cool arrangements, i am happy this is no loner a lost broadcast! Recommended highly!!

Love it!
If you are a fan of The Move, Jeff Lynne, ELO or Roy Wood this is a great DVD! So much better than watching little videos on YouTube and it had my feet tapping and a big smile on my face. Excellent quality and a great surprise to have these on DVD in this quality. Now if we only get an official release of the COLOUR ME POP stuff and more!!!

fascinating and strange in a good way
for Move completists.....very original and quirky......nice to see Jeff Lynne doing his bits and Roy Looks veryyyy tired and uncomfortable

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