Sunday, October 6, 2013

Noah and the Ark, Told by Kelly McGillis with Music by The Paul Winter Consort

beautiful, captivating
This is a wonderful rendition of the Great Flood. Beautiful pictures, captivating music. It gives a realistic view of events in still pictures set to music. My children were happy watching this, and they enjoyed all of it(even an avid Veggie fan can stand a little more realistic story sometimes!). We were also very happy with the other Rabbit Ears Entertainment Bible stories such as David and Goliath, Told by Mel Gibson with Music by Branford Marsalis, and The Creation, Told by Amy Grant with Music by B?la Fleck and the Flecktones.

Some people have made reviews saying that these were not enjoyed by their children, but I think that if you take a moment to watch with your child and have a conversation/explanation with them, they will learn to appreciate it as well! They really add to teaching about our Lord, with beauty and...

Well crafted
The pictures were interesting with just the right amount of background music. I liked that the story was narrated instead of talking characters.

A good Godly movie, but not interesting
Children were kind of bored, but that doesn't mean anyone else's wouldn't be. Hey, atleast it's not your average run of mill cussing movie that after watching, you say.."And why did I rent this?!"

Click to Editorial Reviews

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