Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Steadfast Tin Soldier, Told by Jeremy Irons with Music by Mark Isham

I have had a copy of this for nearly 20 years, originally on video but the tape has worn out, i have now purchased the dvd, the music by Mark Isham is lovely and the storey told by Jeremy Irons is great. This is not a cartoon but a picture book brought to life. It is a love storey between a one legged soldier and his ballerina. FANTASTIC if your an old romantic. 10/10.

Love this
I teach Fantasia 2000 and 1940 to music appreciation classes. Sometimes there are too many student to gather around the book as I read it to them. This helps with the larger classes because the art work and the story are the same as the book I have, and everyone and see and hear it.

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