Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Babymakers

Good Movie
This is a pretty good movie for the buck. It is not a high budget blockbuster, but it keeps your attention throughout the movie and has a great plot.

Very funny

Amusing movie that switches comedic styles in midstream
This is two movies seeking to be one. It begins as an insightful yet funny look at how infertility affects a comedy. The couple have a delightful relationship where they solve the simpler problems well, which may be positive to watch yet lacks the conflict sought in many films, although the fertility issues looks with growing intensity. There is a long focus on this relationship with some laugh out loud hilarity among a serious examination of how infertility affects people.

The movie then shifts into a weird digressions as a slapstick comedy with much silliness. It sinks to racial humor. Overall, there is enough humor to make this a fun movie, The viewer should be prepared for an unorthodox cinematic journey.

Love this Movie!
I love this movie and have seen it many times, and would recommend it to others. It is one to keep in your library for future laughs!

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