Thursday, October 10, 2013

Little Fockers

A Juvenile, Laugh-Free Nail-in-the-Coffin for the Series
The third film in the Meet the Parents series takes place five years after the last outing and reunites the original cast, while adding some new characters and expanding previously smaller roles. Not only has original director Jay Roach been replaced by Paul Weitz, a sign of trouble to be sure but you know a series is in trouble when it has to introduce children into the mix...Writers tend to introduce children in order to expand their story when that story has run its course. Despite the title, the children don't play too big of a role in the movie and are pawns of the script used to create a reason for these characters to reunite a final time. I enjoyed the first two films in the series and I admit that I went into this thinking it was unnecessary but despite these reservations, I watched the movie with an open mind expecting a mediocre comedy that would entertain me for 90 minutes. While I wouldn't call this movie "boring," I was not prepared for just how mediocre it actually...

Hollywood - Please Stop Making Terrible Pointless Sequels
So it's been 10 years since Meet The Parents, and boy has this franchise been mined to death. For the 3rd movie, let's strip away all writing talent, all of the jokes, and hey throw out the plot while you're at it. There is absolutely no point to watching this movie, the gags are the same as 10 years ago, and most of the major players simply phone their parts in. They even had to shoehorn Hoffman and Streisand into the film, gee wonder why they're in scenes by themselves? Because they couldn't clear their schedules enough to show up for major filming. (Valentine's Day ring a bell anyone?)

Anyway, avoid this like the plague.

Nothing like the first two movies
This movie was nothing like the first two was not funny at all....I rented it from the redbox so I am glad I only wasted $1

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