Friday, October 4, 2013

Best of Ancient Aliens

Four Episodes Of Great Speculative Entertainment, But Poor Marketing And A Steep Per Episode Price Tag
First of all, my lowered rating has everything to do with this particular release and NOT the TV show "Ancient Aliens." As the History Channel has veered away from classic historical content to shows with more entertainment pizzazz, "Ancient Aliens" has always seemed like a good fit to bridge this gap. Tales of mysterious and unexplained phenomenon, folklore and legend, and intergalactic speculation cross all international boundaries and are an inherent part of ancient history and cultural iconography. And as this documentary series began in its first season, it did a good job acknowledging the various interpretations of alien myths across the globe. Sometimes, over the years, the topics have gotten a bit thin and/or repetitive--but overall, this speculative entertainment has produced many an intriguing episode.

I'm not exactly sure, however, what the market is for this particular release. It has four episodes, has no special features, and runs about 3 hours and 46 minutes...

Keep an open mind
I purchased this DVD as a Father's Day gift for my husband...this is one of his favorite shows. I've learned so much watching this with him, although at first I thought most of what they said was a lot of rubbish. After watching the series for a few years, with an open mind, I also enjoy it and will purchase all episodes as a back up. Highly recommend!

Loved it! Still want more...........
Can't beat the price. A good start to the series. I have some episodes recorded on my DVR that I would like to get permanently, too.

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