Thursday, October 3, 2013

We Made This movie

A movie of a different color.........
The movie is just crazy from beginning to end. Smitty was awesome. My guess is he will be a big star one day soon........

Better than I expected
I found this movie on itunes, but when my rental didn't work I watched it here. This movie really surprised me. I knew that the premise of this film was that a couple of kids making a Jackass-style film were also filming the DVD extras to their own movie, and that the extras would turn out to be the actual movie, but I didn't know it would be so good. All the actors nailed the humor and the drama. I particularly liked the "bloated Jason Mraz" bit, and the techies filming the DVD extras brought a winning touch. Look out for the road trip montage! The final paradox even left me intrigued, in a Schrodinger's cat kind of way. I would recommend this movie if you like any of Judd Apatow's films, the show Freaks and Geeks, or The Office.

Witty and warm!
This film within a film about high school seniors with limited prospects facing an uncertain future is original and funny. With an authentic feel and a cast of irresistible young actors, "We Made This Movie" is a great way to spend a couple of hours. Anyone who has ever pursued a dream (or been afraid to) will relate to these characters as they try to make their mark with a home-grown "hilarious" movie. Will their efforts pave the way out of their down-on-its-luck little town into a brighter future?

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