Monday, October 7, 2013

Veggie Tales: Little Ones Can Do Big Things Too

Love it!!
We love Veggie Tales at our house, and the Little Ones Can Do BIG Things Too! DVD is perfect for our family of littles.

Three Veggie Tale classic stories Dave & The Giant Pickle - one of my personal favorites, Lyle the Kindly Viking, and Pistachio: The Little Boy Who Woodn't are combined together on this fun DVD that helps little ones realize that they don't have to be big to do great things for God.

This DVD has great examples of characters who were little but who did what God asked them to and ended up doing BIG things for Him. It's a great tool for teaching my own little ones the importance of doing what God asks of them each and every day because they'll never know when He'll take their "little" and turn it into something "big" for His glory.

vaggie tales
I bought this for my children to watch. It is a fun show that is of our faith. They enjoy all of the veggie tales movies!

A Great DVD!
My family has been a fan of Veggie Tales for a long time and this new DVD a great compilation of past Veggie Tale classics that show kids that they can do so many great things if they just put their minds to it. At the same time it helps kids understand that all things that they accomplish are through the grace and gifts of God. As a parent I have always loved these shows as they have messages that I want my kids to learn, not only about their own spirituality, but also about friendship, and so much more. This DVD, though more of a compilation DVD than new material, brings together so many wonderful messages and songs that all kids and parents will enjoy!

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