Saturday, October 5, 2013

WWII - The War in Europe & The War in the Pacific

A good Collection for History Buffs
This is another interesting DVD collection released by Mill Creek Entertainment. This 4-Disc Set features two Documentary Series: WAR IN THE PACIFIC and WAR IN EUROPE. On this Set you'll find 50 episodes, for 19 Hours of interesting documentaries about World War II's greatest campaigns. If, like me, you are a History buff and you really enjoy watching Historical documentaries then I highly recommend this collection. Learning more about World War II is always interesting to me, so I think this Set is great and I'm sure it will be a good addition to your collection.

-- Documentary 1: WAR IN THE PACIFIC ( 2 DVD, 24 Episodes )
This documentary chronicles the compelling events that led up to Japan's surprise bombing of the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and depicts the numerous air, land and sea battles that unfolded from 1942 until the fall of the Japanese empire in 1945. The priceless documentary footage compiled in this collection, sets you squarely...

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