Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Magic of Belle Isle [HD]

"Songs Without Words" (OP.53 .1)--Mendelssohn
"I respect consistency". Author Monte Wildhorn (Morgan Freeman) says it best, if I were to refer it toward the apt direction of Rob Reiner, in this melodic and poetic spin on this movie.

Rob Reiner weaves a story throughout a story, while Freeman and Virginia Madsen (Charlotte O'Neil) dance triumphantly within it's web. The movie is candidly real, hopelessly romantic, and overwhelmingly personal. I laughed out loud and was just as moved to tears all through.

Just a simple plot, with a burnt-out, disgruntled author (alcohol swilling and unflinchingly sarcastic) and a struggling mother (positive and beautiful although lonely) next door. In this setting there is nothing new. There is, although, so much depth to the main characters, the people of the town riddled throughout and in Wildhorn's life.

It is in this that makes this particular movie so worth your time; The ride from point A to point B.

What first may appear to be predictable may...

Great Movie! I Love it!
Just watched this movie, I thought it was wonderful! Very refreshing content and character. Love Morgan Freeman as an actor and Rob Reiner as a Director!
Plan to watch again before rental expires, definately a must for the collection.
A must see movie!

The Real Magic is the Film Itself
It is difficult to add to all the superlatives about this film. Great story. The kids in the film are wonderful, particularly the middle daughter. This film is about creativity and inspiration, but it is also about the way human beings depend upon each other for that magic we call a good life, a life worth living. This is one of those little gems, like Field of Dreams, that makes film-making itself appear to be magic.

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