Friday, October 4, 2013

Housewives from Another World

Classic Cinemax Fare
If you've ever watched Cinemax After Dark, you've seen this movie or one like it. Production value is high. Acting is on par for this style of movie. People are good looking. Sets are someone's multi-million dollar home. Lot's of simulated sex, full frontal female nudity & shower scenes. Pets & pornstars abound. Cheesy story line, but let's be honest, did we really buy this for an Oscar winning performance? My only question is this, 's the next one going to be released?

Poor editing is its biggest weakness
OK, nobody cares about the plot, but for the record, some woman finds some meteorite and is possessed by an alien being or some such nonsense. And in a "Day the Earth Stood Still" twist, the alien is there for good intentions.

That aside, this thing is loaded to the hilt with sex and has a fair amount of graphic nudity (the best kind). Heather Vandeven--who really needs to save up her money and do something about those hideous scars underneath her fake breasts--makes it four times in the movie's first 12 minutes. One of those is with herself in the shower, and that one is the highlight of the picture. Seriously, it goes farther than what you typically see in soft-core films.

Based on the strength of that scene alone this could earn four stars. But it would have received five (I love Rebecca pun intended) if not for shoddy editing work of shoddier camera work and the shoddiest direction. I don't mean of the exposition, silly...I mean of the sex scenes,...

Do Not Pass This One Up!!!
If you're a fan of softcore, then this is one to own! Full Frontal Female Nudity!! Great shower scene by Heather Vandeven! You will not be disappointed with this one!

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