Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lost In Transit

Good Stuff!!!
A Christmas Treat with a sci-fi theme.Job well done.
A fine gift for holiday/ family viewing.
What do you get when a great sic-fi writer writes a family/Christmas story?
Lost In Transit!

An interesting twist on space-cation
Nicholai Cuti has had my respect and admiration for years. "Lost in Transit" is a great production that does not fail to entertain, and live up to Mr
Cuti's space opera leanings. I enjoyed the film, while only 30 plus minutes, it was a satisfying view.

The casting is good all the way round, and while a small budget Indy, it looks like a far more expensive film than I guess it was. The power of digital is immeasurable.

Having watched many Christmas films, I would rather watch a space theme over a puppy saves Christmas.

Brittany Rodriguez and Catherine Epstein are excellent in their roles. Not a bad performance in the bunch.

Keep up the good work Mr Cuti.

Good Story.
This was a good story line and cute movie. Worthy of a 5 star for a "B" rated move. My oldest son and his father are in this movie, so I may be a little partial. :)

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