Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pat Cooper Live - You're Always Yelling

Seen him live so many times- nothing new here.
Love Pat Cooper and have loved him since I was a little girl and my relatives played his comedy albums on their stereos!

Now flash forward to adulthood and yes, I still love Pat Cooper. He is a mix of laughter, nostalgia and my own family memories.

But gauging the age of this video, versus the last few times I saw him live?

I can see he is recycling his material big time. It shows in this video and it shows in his live performances.

This man appeals to Italians/Sicilians for the most part.

If you are not Italian/Sicilian but married into a family of such, you will get the humor, too.

However, if you have seen him live in the last 5 yrs- skip this- unless you never get tired of hearing his repertoire of jokes.

Again- loveable guy- and a very talented comedian even if his main genre is Italian humor.

But if he produces another video of his stand up act, it really needs new material...

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